mHealth, mobile health apps, nursing

Exploring the Eponyms app

The medical field is packed with names of diseases, syndromes, abnormalities, and tests named after the pioneers who discovered them (i.e., an eponym). Some eponyms are used on a regular basis, and require no explanation such as Asperger’s disorder or Alzheimer’s disease. In contrast, other eponyms are rarely used and send us rummaging through our nursing school memories in search of details. For example, how often do you hear about Balò’s disease?  Well, there just may be an app for these situation – Eponyms.

The Eponyms app includes over 1,700 medical eponyms. The app organizes the eponyms in alphabetical order allowing for easy location. You may also use the search function to locate a specific eponym. This very extensive list covers all types of medical conditions and practice.

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Once you locate the desired eponym, tap the name to view the details on the eponym.

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You also have the option to star specific eponyms and create a specialized list of eponyms specific to your practice.

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Overall, I found the app provided quick and easy access to information. Eponyms should definitely be included in any nurse’s app arsenal.

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